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By downloading these printables, you agree to the following terms:
- Copyright:
The copyright of these materials is retained by the Indoor Cycling Institute. All rights reserved. They are provided for personal and educational use only. - Free Distribution:
You may share these printables freely for example as educational tools for your riders, provided they remain unchanged and are not rebranded or used for commercial purposes. - Restrictions:
- Do not modify the content in any way.
- Do not remove the Indoor Cycling Institute branding or copyright notice.
- Do not redistribute these materials for profit or use them as part of paid services.
- Disclaimer:
The Indoor Cycling Institute provides these materials as guidelines only. Power tests and power sessions should be conducted by certified instructors. Always consult a professional for personalised advice and ensure all activities are performed safely and appropriately for your fitness level. - Liability:
The Indoor Cycling Institute is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage resulting from the improper use of these materials. By downloading and using these printables, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own risk.